How to Spend the Day Before the MCAT: 9 Effective Strategies

How to Spend the Day Before the MCAT: 9 Effective Strategies

Preparing for the MCAT can be tough, leaving you more nervous as the exam day approaches. The day before your test is crucial for setting the stage for success. As someone who's faced these same challenges, I'm here to share practical tips to help you stay calm and focused. Believe it or not, I took the day before my exam to relax and do some light review, rather than intensive studying like I did when I first started prepping for the MCAT.

What I Did the Day Before the Exam…

During my first attempt, I was really stressed out, and I think it affected my confidence. I knew I had to change my approach for my second take. The day before the exam, I verified the exact route to the test center, planned out my travel, and checked parking areas. This helped me avoid any last-minute stress and feel more prepared for the big day. However, there were many more strategies I made sure to apply, and that’s what I’m going to share with you today.

Key Takeaways

  • The Importance of Following a Test Day Routine: Sticking to a consistent test day routine can reduce anxiety and improve focus.
  • Strategies for Getting Enough Sleep and Managing Stress: Maintaining a regular sleep schedule and using stress management techniques like meditation and light physical activities ensure you are well-rested and calm.
  • Tips on What to Pack and How to Prepare the People Around You: Pack necessities like your ID, water, and snacks the night before, and inform your roommates and family about your need for support to create a distraction-free environment.
  • The Benefits of Relaxation and Positive Thinking: Engaging in relaxing activities and using positive affirmations boost confidence and reduce pre-test anxiety.
  • The Value of Planning a Post-Test Reward: Planning a reward to look forward to after the exam serves as motivation and provides a sense of relief.

Important Tips for the Day Before the MCAT

Please follow these tips to help maintain a calm and focused mindset.

#1. Follow Your Test Day Routine

Following a test day routine is important, especially before the MCAT. I start with a healthy breakfast like oatmeal with fruit or eggs with whole grain toast to fuel my energy. I stay hydrated to maintain my focus. I incorporate light physical activity, such as a brisk walk or stretching, to reduce anxiety. I prepare all my test materials the night before to avoid a morning rush. I review important concepts briefly without last-minute cramming to minimize stress. I practice mindfulness or deep breathing exercises to calm my nerves. This routine helps reduce my anxiety and boosts my confidence, setting a positive tone for the test day.

#2. Stick to Your Sleep Schedule

Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule is really important, especially the night before the MCAT. Keeping my body's internal clock steady with a regular sleep routine helps me wake up feeling rested and alert. On the night before the exam, I try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep. I steer clear of caffeine and electronic devices before bed since they can mess with my ability to fall asleep. Doing something relaxing before bed, like reading a book or practicing mindfulness, helps me unwind. Getting a good night's sleep is key for being able to think clearly and focus well, which is exactly what I need for the MCAT.

#3. Pack Your Essentials

Getting my snacks and gear ready the night before the MCAT is really important. I make sure to bring healthy snacks like nuts, fruit, and granola bars to keep my energy up during breaks. Staying hydrated is important, and trust me its a game changer as well, so I always pack a water bottle too. I also gather all the important things, like my ID, exam confirmation, and any allowed items, to avoid any last-minute stress. Being prepared helps me stay focused and calm on exam day, allowing me to concentrate fully on doing my best.

#4. Prepare the People Around You

Getting the people around me ready for the MCAT is something that is often overlooked but really important. It means letting family and friends know about my study schedule and the importance of a quiet, supportive environment during this time. This way, they can avoid unnecessary disruptions and offer encouragement when needed. It also involves discussing my needs for the night before and the day of the exam, such as ensuring I have a calm, distraction-free space to relax and get a good night's sleep. By setting these expectations, I create a supportive network that helps me stay focused and less stressed as I approach the big day.

#5. Drive to Your Testing Center

Driving to the testing center is a crucial part of my MCAT preparation. I make sure to plan my route in advance, accounting for traffic and any potential delays, to ensure I arrive on time. It's helpful to do a practice drive a few days before to familiarize myself with the route and the location. On the day of the exam, I leave early to avoid any last-minute stress. Having everything packed and ready the night before, including my ID, exam confirmation, snacks, and water, helps me feel prepared and calm. Arriving early gives me time to settle in, find my bearings, and start the exam feeling confident and focused.

#6. Avoid Studying

Not studying the day before the MCAT is important for giving my mind a chance to rest and recharge. Instead of cramming, I focus on relaxing activities that help reduce stress and anxiety. This could include light exercise, spending time with family or friends, or engaging in a hobby I enjoy. The goal is to go into the exam with a clear, calm mind, rather than feeling burnt out from last-minute studying. Trusting that my preparation up to this point is sufficient allows me to approach the test day with confidence and a positive mindset.

#7. Plan a Post-Test Reward

Planning a post-test reward is a great way to stay motivated through the intense preparation for the MCAT. It means setting up something special to look forward to once the exam is over, whether it's a dinner at a favorite restaurant, a short trip, or simply a relaxing day off. This reward not only provides a sense of accomplishment but also helps in managing stress by giving a real goal to work towards. Knowing that there is a treat waiting at the end can make the study sessions more manageable and the entire experience feel more balanced and rewarding.

#8. Think Positively

Thinking positively is really important when preparing for the MCAT. Maintaining an upbeat mindset helps reduce stress and boosts confidence, making the preparation process more manageable. Positive thinking involves focusing on my strengths, celebrating small victories, and reminding myself of the effort and progress I've made. It also means looking at negative thoughts and challenges as opportunities for growth. By cultivating a positive outlook, I can approach the exam with a calm and confident attitude, which can significantly improve my performance and overall experience.

#9. Engage in Fun Activities

Participating in fun activities is a great way to take breaks and relieve stress during MCAT preparation. Taking time to do things I enjoy, like watching a movie, playing a sport, or hanging out with friends, helps to recharge my mind and keep my spirits high. These activities provide a necessary balance to the intense studying, preventing burnout and maintaining overall well-being. By incorporating fun into my routine, I can return to my studies feeling refreshed and more focused, ultimately making my preparation more productive and enjoyable.

By following these tips, you can ensure that the day before your MCAT is spent effectively, allowing you to enter the exam with confidence and a positive mindset. Remember, your preparation has brought you to this point, and trusting in your hard work will help you perform at your best.


What are some last-minute tips to stay calm the day before the MCAT?

To stay calm the day before the MCAT, it's essential to focus on relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, light exercise, and getting plenty of rest. Avoid cramming and instead engage in activities that help you unwind, like watching a movie or spending time with friends.

Should I review my notes or practice problems the day before the exam?

Reviewing notes or practice problems the day before the exam can be beneficial if done in moderation. Focus on high-yield topics and avoid overloading your brain. Light review sessions can help reinforce key concepts without causing unnecessary stress.

How can I ensure I wake up on time on the day of the MCAT?

To ensure you wake up on time on the day of the MCAT, set multiple alarms and consider using a backup method, such as asking a family member or friend to call you. Go to bed early to ensure you get a full night's rest, and avoid caffeine or screens before bed.

What should I do if I feel extremely anxious the day before the MCAT?

If you feel extremely anxious the day before the MCAT, try engaging in relaxation techniques like meditation, deep breathing exercises, or taking a walk. It's also helpful to talk to someone supportive or distract yourself with a relaxing activity to ease your mind.

How important is nutrition the day before the MCAT?

Nutrition is crucial the day before the MCAT to ensure your body and mind are functioning optimally. Eat balanced meals that include a mix of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats, and stay hydrated. Avoid heavy, greasy foods and excessive sugar to prevent feeling sluggish.

Final Thoughts

Preparing for the MCAT can be a challenging journey, but focusing on the day before the exam can set you up for success. The key is to stick to a routine that reduces anxiety and improves focus. Make sure you get enough sleep, manage your stress, and prepare all necessary materials in advance. Engaging in positive thinking and relaxing activities will boost your confidence, while planning a post-test reward can keep you motivated.

Remember, the day before your MCAT isn't the time for heavy studying but rather for relaxation and final preparations. Trust in your preparation, follow these tips, and approach the exam with a calm and positive mindset.

Ready to take your MCAT preparation to the next level? Check out my Premium MCAT Preparation Course , which includes an AAMC Breakdown Course, Practice Questions, and an Accountability Coach. If you prefer a more streamlined resource, consider my MCAT Complete Bundle, covering all high-yield topics in one book. Follow me on social media @30DayMCAT for more tips and support.

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