How to Enjoy Your MCAT Prep: 3 Tips to Make Your Study Sessions Fun and Effective

How to Enjoy Your MCAT Prep: 3 Tips to Make Your Study Sessions Fun and Effective

Studying for the MCAT can feel overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be all stress and no fun. When I first took the MCAT, I was crushed by my 66th percentile score. It took a lot of courage to try again, but I made a few changes that really helped me out. Establishing a consistent study routine, finding a study buddy, and creating a comfy, organized study space made a huge difference. These tweaks turned my study time from stressful to enjoyable. In this blog post, I’ll share these tips to help you make your MCAT prep less stressful and more enjoyable.

Key Takeaways
  • Creating a Cozy and Motivating Study Environment: You'll learn how to set up a comfortable study space that inspires you to focus.
  • Incorporating Enjoyable Elements into Study Sessions: Discover practical tips for making your study time more enjoyable, like adding your favorite beverages or using fun study tools.
  • Importance of Planning, Breaks, and Post-Study Routines: Understand the significance of having a structured study plan, taking regular breaks, and rewarding yourself after study sessions.

Tip #1. Creating Your Perfect Study Space

Turn Your Study Area into a Cozy Haven

When I created a more comfortable and organized study space, it made a huge difference in my focus and stress levels. Imagine having a designated, tidy, well-lit area with minimal distractions—sitting there signaled my brain that it was time to focus. Personalizing it with motivational quotes made it a pleasant and cozy environment, transforming my study time from stressful to productive. So, how can you do this for yourself?

  • Invest in a Comfy Chair: Having a comfortable chair is a game-changer for long study sessions. It boosts motivation and reduces physical strain, making it easier to stay focused. When I switched to an ergonomic chair (which was pricey but totally worth it!), I noticed a big boost in my productivity and comfort. If an ergonomic chair is out of your price range, don’t worry. Focus on maintaining good posture—keep your knees at a right angle or slightly lower than your hips. If your feet dangle, rest them on some books or a box. For extra lower back support, roll up a small towel and place it behind your lower back for a gentle curve.
  • Aesthetic Office Design Elements: Brighten up your study space with fun accessories like artwork, scented candles (I love coffee-scented ones), fairy lights, and soft rugs. These elements create a pleasant and motivating environment. Personally, I added some motivational quotes and a study lamp to reduce eye strain, especially when I'm in focus mode and studying late into the night. These small touches made my space more inviting and helped keep me motivated.
  • Adding Plants: Plants are a fantastic addition to any study area. They purify the air and create a relaxing ambiance. I found that having a couple of small plants on my desk not only brightened up my space but also helped reduce my stress levels. Adding plants made my study environment more welcoming and calming. I also suggested this to some friends studying for the MCAT, and they noticed it helped them feel more focused and relaxed as well. According to some articles the presence of greenery can have a calming effect, reducing anxiety and making it easier to concentrate. , so try it out yourself!

Finding the Perfect Spot for Your Desk

When setting up a productive study space, don't underestimate the importance of desk positioning. Believe me, the location of your desk can make a huge difference in your focus, comfort, and overall study experience.

  • Place your desk beside a window: Positioning your desk by a window can have a positive impact on your mood and focus. Natural light boosts serotonin levels, which helps improve your mood and energy. Plus, occasional glimpses of outdoor scenery can provide a refreshing mental break. When I moved my desk next to a window, I felt more energized and found it easier to concentrate on my studies. The natural light and view of the outside world made my study sessions much more enjoyable.
  • Move it to somewhere peaceful: Choose a spot that's peaceful and away from distractions like TVs or chatty roommates. A quiet environment is super important for maintaining focus and reducing interruptions during your study sessions. I found that relocating my desk to a quieter part of my home significantly reduced distractions, allowing me to stay more engaged with my work.
  • Wide, Clear Space: Ensure that your desk has a wide, clear surface with minimal clutter. This gives you enough room to spread out your study materials and keeps everything you need within easy reach. When I organized my desk to have ample space, I noticed that I could manage my study materials more effectively and stay better organized, leading to more productive study sessions.

Tip #2. Making Study Time More Fun

Studying doesn't have to feel like a chore. With a few tweaks to your setup and study mindset, you'll have a more productive and enjoyable experience! Here are some tips to make your study sessions more fun:

  1. Preparing Tasty Drinks: Experimenting with drink recipes can make your study sessions more enjoyable. Try making homemade hot chocolate, iced lattes, or herbal teas. These drinks can add a touch of comfort and fun to your routine. Personally, I love trying new recipes, and my homemade iced latte has become a study-time favorite. Matcha lattes are another cozy option with numerous benefits, providing a gentle caffeine boost without the jitters and packing antioxidants. An electric mug can keep your drinks warm throughout your study session, ensuring you always have a comforting sip at hand. And for those intense study marathons, energy drinks offer a quick pick-me-up to keep your mind sharp and your concentration steady.
  2. Background Music: Creating inspiring playlists and using noise-canceling headphones can significantly enhance your focus. Music can set the mood and help drown out distractions. I find that a well-curated playlist not only makes study sessions more pleasant but also boosts my concentration.
  3. Have a Study Partner: Having an accountability buddy can significantly boost your motivation. Checking in with a study partner allows you to share progress, set goals, and stay on track. When I started studying with a friend, it was hard for me to reach out since I’m an introverted person. However, my friend not only kept me accountable but also made the process more enjoyable. This is why, when I created the Premium MCAT Preparation Course, I made sure to include an accountability coach. They can help guide you through your MCAT preparation journey, ensuring you stay on track and motivated. Studying with a partner can make learning more interactive and fun. Turn studying into a game by using flashcards with quizzes, you can also download our FREE Organic Chemistry Flash Card Set.
  4. Explain the Material: There's a psychological phenomenon called the "protégé effect" that explains how teaching or explaining something to someone else helps you learn and retain the information better. You can try this by teaching the material you're learning to a real or even an imaginary friend. When I tried this technique it forced me to understand the content deeply instead of just memorizing it. Since the MCAT is designed to test not just your ability to recall facts, but your ability to apply your knowledge to solve problems and analyze situations.

Tip #3. Adding Joy to Your Study Sessions

Think of your post-study routine as a cool-down after a workout. Just like you need to relax your muscles, you need to give your brain a break between focused learning and personal time. This helps you unwind, process what you've learned, and get ready for your next study session. Find what works best for you. With these tips, you can build a post-study routine that keeps you relaxed, refreshed, and ready to tackle your study goals!

  • Celebration with Food: Rewarding yourself after a productive study session can be a great motivator. Treat yourself to your favorite meal or cook with friends to celebrate your hard work. Personally, I love ending a long study day with a delicious homemade dinner—it feels like a well-deserved treat.
  • Self-Care: Incorporating self-care into your routine is essential for maintaining balance. End your day with relaxing activities like bubble baths, skincare routines, or using soothing products to unwind. This not only helps reduce stress but also ensures you're ready for the next day of study.

By creating a comfortable and productive study environment, experimenting with enjoyable activities, and establishing motivating routines, you'll be well on your way to conquering your MCAT preparation with confidence and ease.


How can I stay motivated throughout my MCAT prep?

Staying motivated during your MCAT prep involves setting clear, achievable goals and finding a supportive study group. Breaking down your study plan into manageable tasks and celebrating small victories can keep you focused and energized.

What are some effective study techniques for the MCAT?

Effective study techniques for the MCAT include active recall, which helps reinforce memory, spaced repetition to improve long-term retention, and regular practice exams to familiarize yourself with the test format and timing.

How do I manage my time effectively while preparing for the MCAT?

To manage your time effectively for the MCAT, create a structured study schedule, prioritize your tasks based on their importance, and ensure you balance study time with other responsibilities. Consistency and discipline are key to staying on track.

What resources can help me prepare for the MCAT?

Useful resources for MCAT prep include comprehensive books like The Complete MCAT Study Bundle, or try out some MCAT prep courses that includes practice tests to track your progress, and access to accountability coaches for personalized guidance.

How do I deal with test anxiety?

Managing test anxiety can be achieved through mindfulness practices, relaxation techniques like deep breathing, and positive visualization. Staying well-prepared and maintaining a positive mindset are crucial to reducing anxiety.

Is it beneficial to take breaks during study sessions?

Taking breaks during study sessions is essential for maintaining productivity and focus. Techniques like the Pomodoro method, which involves short breaks after intervals of focused study, can help keep your mind fresh and prevent burnout.

So what does it all mean?

Studying for the MCAT doesn't have to be a stressful and isolating experience. By creating a comfortable study environment, incorporating enjoyable elements into your routine, and establishing productive and relaxing post-study rituals, you can transform your MCAT prep into a more enjoyable and effective journey. Remember, the key is to make your study sessions less daunting and more engaging.

Ready to make your MCAT prep even more fun and effective? Follow me on social media @30daymcat for more valuable content, tips, and motivation to help you ace your exam.

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