Our Story

Hi there! I'm Sarah, the founder of the 30 Day MCAT Preparation Company. Our story is rooted in my personal journey, a rollercoaster of determination, setbacks, and eventual triumph.

My dream of becoming a doctor was unwavering, fueled by a passion to make my family proud. However, the MCAT seemed like an insurmountable mountain after my initial attempt ended with a disappointing 66th percentile score. I felt defeated, as if my aspirations were slipping through my fingers.

But within that despair, I found a spark of resilience. Through guidance from friends who had succeeded, coupled with scientific research, I formulated a new strategy. This time, when I faced the MCAT again, I emerged with a 99th percentile score. That victory wasn’t just mine—it was a beacon of hope for others.

Empowered by my success, I started mentoring and tutoring peers, realizing the transformative power of sharing knowledge. This ignited the idea behind our company—a place where aspiring medical students could access not just resources but a strategic, personalized approach to ace the MCAT.

At the 30 Day MCAT Preparation Company, our mission is clear: to empower every student aiming for medical school success. We offer comprehensive strategies, scientifically-driven methodologies, and unwavering support to ensure our students not only pass the MCAT but excel, securing spots in top medical schools.

Our journey from adversity to triumph has taught us the value of persistence, mentorship, and the unwavering belief in one's dreams. We're here to guide you on your journey, to transform your aspirations into achievements, and to witness you surpass the 90th percentile, just as we did.

Welcome to our community, where dreams are nurtured, and success is not just a possibility, but an expectation.

Join us, and let's make your dream of becoming a doctor a reality.